April 8th, 2024
1:50 PM
On April 8th, 2024, a total eclipse of the sun will be visible over a swath of the Eastern half of North America including the city of Greenwood. A total solar eclipse happens when the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth, completely blocking the face of the Sun.
People viewing the eclipse from the city of Greenwood where the Moon’s shadow completely covers the Sun – known as the path of totality – will experience a total solar eclipse. The sky will darken, as if it were dawn or dusk and, Weather permitting, people along the path of totality will see the Sun’s corona, or outer atmosphere, which is usually obscured by the bright face of the Sun.

Path of Totality in the Greenwood Area
Except during the brief total phase of a total solar eclipse, when the Moon completely blocks the Sun’s bright face, it is not safe to look directly at the Sun without specialized eye protection for solar viewing. Viewing any part of the bright Sun through a camera lens, binoculars, or a telescope without a special-purpose solar filter secured over the front of the optics will instantly cause severe eye injury.
Free ISO Certified Viewing Glasses
While supplies last, as part of our promotional effort for Greenwood we have partnered with Farmers Bank and the Greenwood Advertising and Promotion Commission to produced and distribute ISO certified solar viewing glasses to our residents and guests.
Eclipse Resources
Arkansas State Parks Eclipse Website
ARDOT Traffic Management Plan
Current Weather and Forecast
Eclipse Concerns & Preparations for Greenwood
Greenwood is in the path of totality. Totality will begin at about 1:49 pm in Greenwood and will last or 2 minutes and 27 seconds. For an hour or so before and after totality the partial eclipse will be viewable.
People travel from literally all over the world to experience these rare events. The next total eclipse that will be visible across much of the United States is not until 2045.
The 2024 total eclipse of the sun is expected to bring hundreds of thousands of visitors to Arkansas for the event.
Greenwood is the nearest destination to view the total eclipse for many of the residents of Sebastian and Crawford Counties.
Just about every hotel room, Air BnB, campground and other overnight accommodation in the Ouachita Mountain region is booked.
Many people are renting out space on their property for overnight camping.
People who are using their property to make some extra money during the event should check with their insurance agent to make sure they have coverage.
Business owners should be prepared to arrive at their businesses on the morning of April 8th and find their parking lots occupied by eclipse viewers.
Restaurants need to prepare for extra business on the day of the eclipse.
Gas stations may face heavy demand on the day of the event. Residents should gas up before the weekend.
People coming to the area to watch the event will arrive over two or three days but when the eclipse is over they will all leave at once. That is when the largest issues with traffic will occur.
Emergency managers, fire departments, law enforcement agencies, street and road departments, first responders and the Highway Department are making special plans to allow for major traffic backups on area roads.
Rural fire departments will be set up as first aid stations for travelers who may not be able to reach urgent care.
Extra landing zones for medical helicopters have been identified in case ambulances can’t get through traffic.
Where possible extra ambulances and law enforcement personnel are being shifted from neighboring counties to the areas most affected by the eclipse.
The Arkansas Department of Transportation will suspend most construction projects on public highways for the day of the eclipse.
Greenwood Schools will be using the event as a district wide astronomy instruction day.
Anyone traveling on April 8th is advised to allow considerable extra time for the trip particularly on main corridors such as U.S. 71 and Arkansas Hwy. 10. Authorities advise completely avoiding Interstate 40 on that day.
Even if April 8th turns out to be an inclement weather day and it is not possible to view the eclipse in our area many people will already be in Western Arkansas and they will be traveling home just the same so the traffic impact will still happen.
All of these cautions and preparations are based on the actual experiences of localities that were in the path of the 2017 solar eclipse that was visible from Oregon to South Carolina. Many areas were caught off guard by that event.
There is concern that cell phone networks may be overloaded.
Finally, never look at the sun, even in an eclipse, without specially made solar viewing equipment. At a minimum ISO certified glasses are required to prevent permanent damage to the eyes. Even a quick glance at the sun can do irreversible damage to eyes. Doctors recommend that if you or your child does look at the sun go inside to dark room to allow your eyes to rest and immediately see an eye doctor.